Video-Based Exams
The pandemic has forced us all to think about different ways to do everyday things. When we had to start cancelling exams because of school closures and stay at home measures, we started to think about alternative ways to organise exams. We looked at Zoom and Facetime, and the possibilities of YouTube. But in the end we felt that the simplest, most straightforward, safest and most secure way to do them would be by video.
Here’s how it works in a nutshell: When you’ve filled out and submitted your booking and payment, we’ll send you a link to a private and secure Dropbox folder that we will have created for your exam centre. You forward that link plus some helpful instructions that we’ve drafted, to each candidate.
The candidates simply videos themselves performing their exam pieces at home, using a smartphone or any other filming device, and upload them to the folder. When all the candidates have uploaded their videos, we’ll give access to the folder to our examiner. Report sheets, certificates and medals will be written, printed and awarded in the usual way.
See https://www.irishboard.ie/about-the-exams/video-based-exams/
Video-Based Exams: Syllabus Adaptations
To pay fees directly to Irish Board of Speech & Drama
- Preliminary Grade One €21
- Preliminary Grade Two €21
- Grade One €25
- Grade Two €28
- Grade Three €31
- Grade Four €33
- Grade Five €38
- Grade Six €42
- Grade Seven €46
- Grade Eight €50
- Grade Nine €52
- Grade Ten €52
- Grade Eleven €54
Syllabus 2017-20
The Irish Board of Speech and Drama Grade Examinations syllabus encourages a process of progressive learning from an early age, with each grade signifying an increase in skill and achievement. All aspects of speech and drama performance and theory are covered in the syllabus and the Examinations represent a rigorous assessment of technique and interpretive skills. We expect candidates in the Grade examinations to display a higher level of achievement than those in the Communication Skills examinations, and that the pieces chosen for performance will represent some challenge to the candidates, while being appropriate for their age and examination level.
Informal interaction with the examiner is introduced from Preliminary Grade One, in order to encourage candidates to respond to questions and explain aspects of their selected piece. This is developed in Grade One with an informal talk and in Grade Two with a presentation based on an illustration of the performed poem.
Theory is also introduced in Grade Two. The objective of the theory requirements in the Grade syllabus is to facilitate the candidate’s understanding of techniques and skills relevant to their verse, prose and drama selections, and how these techniques and skills affect performance. Candidates will therefore be asked mostly to explain theory with reference to or by using examples from the pieces they perform. Examiners will not necessarily ask candidates to discuss all items of theory set for each grade.
Preliminary Grade One – Suggested ages: 4 – 6 years
- Speak from memory a short poem
- Be able to answer simple questions about the poem and the meaning of the words
Preliminary Grade Two – Suggested ages: 5 – 7 years
- Speak from memory a short poem
- Be able to answer simple questions about the poem and the meaning of the words
Grade One – Suggested ages: 6 – 8 years
- Speak from memory a short poem
- Be able to answer questions about the story/theme of the poem and the meaning of the words
- Give a one-minute informal talk about yourself OR a toy/book that you have brought to the examination (the talk should not be memorised)
Grade Two – Suggested ages: 6 – 9 years
- Speak from memory a short poem
- Give a short (about one minute) presentation on the poem performed using an illustration (drawing, painting, model or collage) made by you on the story, character(s) and/or the theme of the poem, and be prepared to discuss the poem and illustration with the examiner.
- Theory: Be able to list the organs of speech, identify their locations and be able to identify the organs of speech used to make common sounds (such as M, P, B, K and L)
Grade Three – Suggested ages: 7 – 10 years
- Speak from memory a short poem
- Announce and read a short (approximately 10-12 lines) prepared extract from a book of your choice and be able to carry on a short conversation about the book with the examiner
- Theory:
a Give a simple definition of a vowel and a consonant
b Be able to define a pause, and to demonstrate your understanding of the breath pause and the sense pause by explaining where and why you took these pauses in either your poem or prose performance
Grade Four – Suggested ages: 9 – 11 years
- Speak from memory a short poem
Announce and perform a one-minute story mime of your choice
a Be able to define mime and give a simple description of character mime, occupational mime, story mime, abstract mime and pantomime blanche
b Be able to demonstrate and describe the appropriate posture/stance used for verse-speaking and to explain why adopting a good posture is important
Grade Five – Suggested ages: 10 – 12 years
- Speak from memory a short poem
- Announce and perform a solo dramatic selection using appropriate characterisation and movement (maximum time permitted: two minutes)
- Theory:
a Be able to describe and discuss the character you performed
b Be able to follow simple stage directions
c Be able to discuss with the examiner what it means and why it is important to be able to speak clearly, naturally and expressively
Grade Six – Suggested ages: 11 – 13 years
- Speak from memory a short poem by an Irish poet
- Announce and perform a solo dramatic selection using appropriate characterisation and movement (maximum time permitted: two minutes)
- Read at sight a poem chosen by the examiner
- Theory:
a Be able to discuss the meaning and mood of the prepared poem with the examiner
b Be able to define and demonstrate pitch and vocal projection
c Be able to discuss with the examiner the technique you used for your sight reading
Grade Seven – Suggested ages: 12 – 14 years
- Speak from memory a poem of your choice
- Announce and perform a solo dramatic selection taken, adapted or compiled from a play or book, using appropriate characterisation and movement (maximum time permitted: two minutes)
- Announce and perform a two-minute improvisation, prepared by you OR a short piece of movement to music choreographed by you (you are responsible for supplying any equipment you require for your performance)
- Theory:
a Be able to discuss your understanding of the character you performed and his/her place in the play or book from which the selection was taken
b Be able to discuss the history and uses of improvisation
c Be able to define emphasis and demonstrate two emphasis techniques you used during your performance of your poem and/or drama selection
Grade Eight – Suggested ages: 13 – 15 years
- Speak from memory a short lyric
- Announce and perform a solo dramatic selection taken, adapted or compiled from a play of literary merit written by an Irish author, using appropriate interpretation, characterisation and movement (maximum time permitted: two minutes)
- Announce and perform a one-minute unprepared improvisation chosen from a list provided by the examiner in the examination room (one minute will be given for preparation)
- Theory:
a Be able to discuss with the examiner what a lyric is, how lyric poetry differs from narrative poetry, and the mood and meaning of the lyric you performed
b Be able to define rate and pace and to demonstrate, with reference to your solo dramatic selection, how you used pace and pace variation to enhance your performance
c Be able to define and demonstrate the use of the following pauses: the suspensive pause, the emphatic pause and the Caesural pause
Grade Nine – Suggested ages: 14 – 16 years
- Speak from memory a short selection of prose taken from a novel or short story written by an Irish author (maximum time permitted: two minutes)
- Announce and perform a solo dramatic selection taken, adapted or compiled from a play of literary merit, using appropriate interpretation, characterisation and movement (maximum time permitted: two minutes)
- Theory:
Announce and perform a two-minute character or abstract mime
a Be able to describe, demonstrate and discuss the importance of intercostal diaphragmatic breathing
b Be able to discuss your interpretation of your solo dramatic selection, including your use of movement, gesture and voice
c Be able to define, demonstrate and discuss tone colour
Grade Ten – Suggested ages: 15 – 17 years
- Announce and perform an eight-minute recital incorporating an introduction, verse, prose, drama, a script that links the selections and a conclusion, all to be chosen and compiled by the candidate. The recital may be on a theme or represent the works of one author. It should be presented as a continuous performance. (In order to help you to observe the time limits, you may perform suitable lines from poems rather than entire poems.)
- Announce and present a one-minute informal talk on a subject chosen from a selection to be provided by the examiner in the examination room.
- Theory:
a Be able to discuss your recital with the examiner, including the theme/author, choice of pieces, interpretation, and techniques used.
b Be able to define and demonstrate that you understand resonance and inflection
c Be able to discuss with the examiner techniques you could use to sustain an audience’s interest in a talk.
Grade Eleven (Senior Advanced) – Suggested ages: 16 – 18 years
- Speak from memory a sonnet
- Announce and perform a solo dramatic selection taken or adapted from a play written before 1800, with suitable interpretation, characterisation and movement (maximum time permitted: three minutes)
- Announce and perform a short piece of movement to music choreographed by the candidate.
- Theory:
a Be able to discuss the form and structure of the Petrarchan and Shakespearean sonnet with the examiner; and the mood, meaning and your interpretation of the sonnet you performed
b Be able to define, demonstrate and discuss your understanding of phrasing
c Be able to discuss how you prepared for performance your solo dramatic selection with particular reference to your use of movement and gesture
Final Grade – Suggested ages: 16 – 18 years
- Speak from memory a short poem written after 1960
- Announce and perform a solo dramatic selection taken, adapted or compiled from a play of literary merit, using appropriate interpretation, characterisation and movement (maximum time permitted: two minutes)
- Announce and speak from memory a short selection of prose taken from a novel or short story written by a non-Irish author
- Announce and perform a two-minute mime OR a two-minute prepared improvisation OR a short piece of movement to music
- Theory:
a Understand and be able to discuss any aspect of your use of vocal modulation (pitch, rate and pace, pause, tone and tone colour, inflection, emphasis, power and intensity, and pause) in your programme.
b Be able to discuss in detail how you compiled and prepared your mime, improvisation or movement to music performance
c Understand and be able to discuss the use of visual, auditory, olfactory and tactile imagery in literature
Proficiency Examination in Speech and Drama – Suggested ages: 17 – 20 years
(The Candidate must be at least 17 years of age)
- Introduce and speak from memory a short poem
- Introduce and speak from memory a short prose selection
- Introduce and perform a solo dramatic selection taken or adapted from any play of literary merit (maximum time permitted: three minutes)
- Introduce and perform a short piece of movement to music choreographed by the candidate OR Introduce and perform a two minute abstract mime
- Theory:
a Discuss with the examiner why you chose, and how you prepared, your pieces for the examination, placing particular emphasis on your interpretation of the pieces performed
b Understand and be able to discuss rhyme in verse (including rhyme schemes, assonance, eye rhyme, consonance and alliteration)
b Understand and be able to discuss rhythm and meter in poetry, and be able to define and demonstrate the following: anapest, dactyl, iamb and trochee
A high standard of performance is required for this examination. Candidates will be assessed on their communication skills, vocal technique, and interpretative skills, and will be expected to display a thorough knowledge of the theory of Speech and Drama.
70% is required to pass the examination. Candidates receiving 70% or more will receive an Irish Board of Speech and Drama Proficiency certificate. Candidates who obtain 85% or more will also receive an Irish Board of Speech and Drama Proficiency medal.
Public Speaking and Presentation Examinations 2017-20
Syllabus 2017-20
Public speaking and presentation relates to the communication of information or ideas to a group or audience in such a way as to maintain their interest. Speaking to a group, in the context of a job interview, a presentation on a topic or issue, a sales pitch, or a formal speech or debate is increasingly common. Through our syllabus, we wish to encourage candidates to feel comfortable and confident in these situations. The purpose of these examinations is to encourage clear, fluent and expressive speaking on a variety of topics and in a variety of imagined settings.
The standard of presentation and communication skills expected from students taking examinations in Public Speaking and Presentation Skills is considerably higher than that expected in Communication Skills examinations.
Presentations should be well-structured and should be delivered with a full range of communication and vocal skills.
We do NOT expect candidates to read or to have memorised their presentations. If notes or aides mémoire are used, they should be used in such a way as to not cause distraction from the speaker.
Please refer to the section ‘How Irish Board Examiners Assess Candidates’ for detailed guidelines on the criteria used by the Irish Board during the examinations.
To book online click here. Examination fees are available here. Please note that the minimum fee requirement for an examination centre is €400.
Grade One – Suggested ages: 10 – 12
- Give a prepared talk about yourself (one minute)
- Tell a tale from folklore in your own words (two minutes)
Grade Two – Suggested ages: 11 – 13
- Give a prepared talk about a hobby or sport (one minute)
- Bring a book into the examination and describe the story to the examiner OR describe the story of a film you have seen to the examiner (two minutes)
Grade Three – Suggested ages: 12 – 14
- Give a prepared talk about an event, visit or holiday (one minute)
- Bring a small object or collection into the examination and talk about it to the examiner (two minutes)
Grade Four – Suggested ages: 13 – 15
- Give a prepared talk on any aspect of Ireland (two minutes)
- Tell an Irish legend in your own words (three minutes)
Grade Five – Suggested ages: 14 – 16
- Give a prepared talk on any topic of your choice (two minutes)
- Give a prepared eye-witness account of a famous historical event, as if you witnessed it (three minutes)
- Give a one minute unprepared talk on one of a selection of topics provided by the examiner in the examination room (one minute will be provided for preparation) followed by a short discussion with the examiner on the topic and/or on speaking in public
Grade Six – Suggested ages: 15 – 17
- Give a presentation on yourself and your key achievements to date (two minutes)
- Present your view on a topic of current public interest (three minutes)
- Give a one minute unprepared talk on one of a selection of topics provided by the examiner in the examination room (one minute will be provided for preparation) followed by a short discussion with the examiner on the topic and/or on speaking in public
Grade Seven – Suggested ages: 16 – 18
- Give a presentation, as if to a prospective employer, outlining your most positive achievements, characteristics and attributes (two minutes)
- Present your view on a moral/ ethical issue (three minutes)
- Give a one minute unprepared talk on one of a selection of topics provided by the examiner in the examination room (one minute will be provided for preparation) followed by a short discussion with the examiner on the topic and/or on speaking in public
- Theory: Be able to discuss with the examiner the use of emphasis, gesture and visual aids in public speaking
Public Speaking Proficiency Examination – Suggested ages: 17 – 20
- Imagine yourself at a job interview for a position of your choice. Give a three-minute presentation to the three-person interview panel on why you want the position and on the experience and personal qualities/attributes you have that make you the ideal candidate for the job Give a presentation, as if to a prospective employer, outlining your most positive achievements, characteristics and attributes
- Give a prepared talk on any aspect of Ireland, as if to a group of 20 (three minutes)
- Make a presentation on a topic of your choice, using appropriate visual aids (seven minutes, including setting up and striking the visual aids)
- Give a one minute unprepared talk on one of a selection of topics provided by the examiner in the examination room (one minute will be provided for preparation)
- Theory:
vIntroduce an eminent keynote speaker to a large audience at an international conference (one minute)
a Identify and discuss with the examiner the different techniques used during the presentations
b Understand and be able to discuss your use of vocal modulation (pitch, rate and pace, tone and tone colour, inflections, emphasis, power and intensity, and pause)
A high standard of presentation is required for this examination. Candidates will be assessed on their communication skills, vocal technique and use of visual aids.
70% is required to pass the examination. Candidates receiving 70% or more will receive an Irish Board of Speech and Drama Proficiency certificate. Candidates who obtain 85% or more will also receive an Irish Board of Speech and Drama medal.
Acting Performance Examinations 2017-20
Syllabus 2017-20
Irish Board Acting Performance Examinations provide an opportunity for candidates, either on their own (solo) or with a colleague (duologue), to display what they have learned in drama class, in a secure, encouraging and non-competitive atmosphere.
Please refer to the section ‘How Irish Board Examiners Assess Candidates’ for detailed guidelines on the criteria used by the Irish Board during the examinations. In general, however, our examiners will be assessing each candidate’s ability to create a character in a dramatic context, and to convey the character and story of the selection in a convincing manner to an audience, using voice, movement, gesture and space. Pace variation and appropriate modulation should be used. Each candidate should choose a piece or pieces which are appropriate for his/her age. Simple costumes are permitted, as are simple props.
It is important in an acting performance examination for candidates to show that they can MOVE and GESTURE appropriately. A failure to do this may result in a significant reduction in marks awarded, so we advise teachers and candidates to choose pieces in which all of the skills of acting may be displayed.
You will find mime definitions in our Grade Theory Guide which you can download free of charge.
For unprepared improvisations, each candidate will be given a list of topics by the examiner in the examination room during the examination. The candidate(s) will be given approximately one minute to prepare the improvisation. In the Acting Performance Examinations, 70% will be required for a pass. All candidates achieving 70% or over will receive a Certificate. Candidates who receive 80% or more will receive a certificate and an Irish Board of Speech and Drama Acting Medal.
Junior Acting Performance Examinations
Junior One Suggested ages: 6 – 8 years
- Announce and perform a two minute dramatic selection
- Announce and perform a one minute occupational mime
Junior Two Suggested ages: 8 – 9 years
- Announce and perform a two minute dramatic selection
- Announce and perform a one minute story mime
Junior Three Suggested ages: 9 – 10 years
- Announce and perform a two minute dramatic selection
- Announce and perform a one minute character mime
Junior Four Suggested ages: 10 – 12 years
- Introduce and perform a two minute dramatic selection
- Introduce and perform a one minute abstract mime
Intermediate Acting Performance Examinations
Intermediate One Suggested ages: 10 – 12 years
- Announce and perform a three minute dramatic selection from any period
- Announce and perform a one minute unprepared improvisation [a choice of subjects will be provided by the examiner in the examination room]
vIntermediate Two Suggested ages: 12 – 14 years
- Announce and perform a three minute dramatic selection written after 1900
- Announce and perform a one minute unprepared improvisation [a choice of subjects will be provided by the examiner in the examination room]
Intermediate Three Suggested ages: 14 – 16 years
- Announce and perform a three minute dramatic selection written by or adapted from the work of an Irish author/ playwright
- Announce and perform a one minute unprepared improvisation [a choice of subjects will be provided by the examiner in the examination room]
Intermediate Four Suggested ages: 15 – 17 years
- Announce and perform a three minute dramatic selection written before 1900
- Announce and perform a one minute unprepared improvisation [a choice of subjects will be provided by the examiner in the examination room]
Senior Acting Performance Examinations
Senior One Ages 15 and over
- Announce and perform a three minute dramatic selection taken/adapted from a play of literary merit
- Announce and perform a short prepared story mime OR Introduce and perform a piece of movement to music, choreographed by the candidate(s)
- Announce and perform a one minute unprepared improvisation [a choice of subjects will be provided by the examiner in the examination room]
- Discuss with the examiner how you prepared for your performance of your selected pieces
- Carry out simple stage directions
Senior Two Ages 16 and over
- Announce and perform a three minute dramatic selection taken/adapted from a play of literary merit
- Announce and perform a short prepared abstract mime OR Introduce and perform a piece of movement to music, choreographed by the candidate(s)
- Announce and perform a one minute unprepared improvisation [a choice of subjects will be provided by the examiner in the examination room]
- Discuss with the examiner how you prepared for your performance of your selected pieces.
- Discuss with the examiner the use of movement and gesture in your dramatic selection
Acting Proficiency Examination
- The candidate must be at least 16 years of age and have been studying speech and drama for at least 3 years. A letter from a recognised teacher of Speech and Drama to this effect will be required.
- Introduce and perform a three minute drama selection taken or adapted from a play of literary merit
- Speak a Shakespearean sonnet, OR Introduce and perform approximately 16 lines from any play by Shakespeare, in dramatic form
- Introduce and perform a short own choice mime OR A short piece of movement to music, choreographed by the candidate
- Introduce and perform a three minute dramatic selection, in a contrasting style from requirement 1 above. (This piece may take the form of a duologue to be presented with another candidate for the Acting Proficiency Certificate examination)
- Submit a written portfolio containing the following:
a) notes on the character chosen in requirement 1 of the examination
b) an explanation of how the candidate studied his/her dramatic selections
c) an explanation of how the use of pitch, pace, inflection and pause enhances a dramatic performance
The candidate will be expected to attain a high standard of performance in order to pass this examination. 70% will be required for a pass. A successful candidate will be awarded the Acting Proficiency Certificate from the Irish Board of Speech and Drama. Those obtaining 85% and over will also receive the special Irish Board Silver Acting Medal.